Buy a Graphics Card in the Spring

The popularity of Bitcoin mining is growing, which means that the equipment needed to efficiently mine the currency of the future is in high demand. Unfortunately, graphics card manufacturers can’t keep up with the demands of greedy cryptocurrency miners, which means you’re more likely to see an out-of-stock notification on your chosen card instead of the estimated shipping date. What should a gamer do if he just wants some extra power for his PC? In this case, it is best to wait a few months, especially if you are working on a tight budget. Spring is almost here, and judging by historical pricing data, it brings with it a discount on these expensive cards.

Fluctuating prices, at least when it comes to computer components, are not news. The release schedule, production capacity, and total demand all play a role in the price of various components. The increase in demand also means that some stores could hike prices, and some cards will almost double in price. According to PCPartPicker PC assembly resource, prices for video cards fell last year in the spring, usually between March and May. The drop is comparable to the discounts found during the holiday season, which means chances are good that you will get the equivalent of a Black Friday discount when, of course, it is spring.

Instead, avoid scarcity entirely, use it as an opportunity to save some money and reap the benefits of your patience by taking advantage of the upcoming spring sales.


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