“Ask a Neat Person Because Your Parents Want More of Your Promiscuous Questions.”

“Ask a Cleaner for Parents,” our cleanup column on parenting and all the hassle it brings, deals with everything from removing greasy stains from sticky hand toys (pineapple juice! Who knew?) To getting rid of fart smell in your body. teenager’s room (no, you don’t need to move).

There are still many nasty challenges to tackle in 2018, and our columnist Jolie Kerr wants to hear yours. What new questions do you have about cleaning when you have children? Whether you’re dealing with feces, vomit, mold, strange odors, unbearable stains, or clutter among kids, we’re here to help.

Share your questions in the comments or send them by email joliekerr@gmail.com . Give us the best and worst you have.


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