Freeze Mini Liquor Bottles in Blocks of Ice for Quirky Parties

New Years is a time of indulgent, frivolous booze, and nothing quite quite like an extra stingy little perfume bottle, frozen in an ice cube fit for Collins glass. This is a very party-like trick and not too difficult to pull off.

The Camper English of Alcademics Ice Master can walk you through the process on his blog , but you’ll need a refrigerator, plastic gift boxes, and little bottles of your favorite ethanol.

Place the small bottle boxes inside the refrigerator as shown, fill the entire chiller with water, and place the chiller in either the freezer or snow (if you live in a climate where it snows at this time of year.). The water will freeze from top to bottom, and the purest ice will form at the bottom around the bottles. Once it has solidified into a solid block, slide out the entire cube, then break the gift boxes and remove the individual cubes from the boxes. Place the cubes in Collins glasses, play house music and admire the club atmosphere you have created in your own home.

Collins Ice Cube Mini Freezer Bottles | Alkademika


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