How to Know If You Liked or Subscribed to a Russian Fake News Page on Facebook

By this point, it is almost clear that Russia was trying to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election through social media posts. However, you may not know if you have personally seen any of these posts.

Facebook made it a little easier this week with a tool that lets you know if you like art by subscribing to a page that has since been linked to Russia.

More than 140 million people were most likely subjected to propaganda related to Russia during the elections, so if this happened to you, you are definitely not in the minority. More than 3,000 Facebook ads posted during the election were linked to Russian accounts.

To find out if you were the victim of “fake news” during the elections, go to this Facebook page . Pages you like or follow will appear in the center of the page.

I didn’t have them (wooh!), But I’m also very selective about what I interact with on the social network, so I don’t really like a lot of the pages in general.

With this tool, you also have the option to log into your Instagram account and make sure you don’t follow any fake accounts there.


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