How to Learn Your First Foreign Language

Just because you studied Spanish in high school for two years doesn’t mean you still know how to ask where the bathroom is. In fact, if you can’t remember a single word in the language, maybe now is the time to work your brains and add some new, foreign words and phrases to your vocabulary. Getting serious about learning a new language in 2018 will take a little preparation, especially if you’ve never tried to learn to say, “You really should invest in double-ply toilet paper …” I have worked hard and collected the best tips to help you get started learning a new language.

Find out which language you should learn

If you don’t care which language you want to add to your skill set, why not start with the simplest (or most difficult) one? According to the US Foreign Service Institute, English speakers will find it easy to learn languages ​​such as French and Romanian, which will take up to 750 hours of training. Languages ​​such as Arabic and Japanese are considered “super hard” languages, requiring around 2,200 hours of study, according to FSI.

Write this instead of typing

Instead of typing your last list of vocabulary words or opening Google Docs to practice your sentence structure, grab a pen and paper. Handwriting it not only improves your retention due to the fact that your brain is more alert in this state, but it also increases the likelihood that you will achieve your goals when you combine your handwritten writing with the act of sharing your goal with someone else. creating a sense of responsibility.

Get the app to kill time productively

Waiting in line sucks, but if you have a few phrases to practice, those 90 seconds in line can add a new word to your vocabulary. You should install an app like Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, two language learning apps that offer over 20 languages ​​and use different learning strategies to help you in your language learning process. Rosetta Stone is expensive, so if you’re still hesitant to pay a monthly subscription service fee, try Duolingo, which is free but not as detailed as Rosetta Stone.

Find a video tutor or pen pal

You should look for a partner if you want to hone your verbal language skills. This does not necessarily mean paying for a tutor. You can find free resources that connect you to other foreign language learners who are willing to devote their time or want to learn English from someone like you who is a native English speaker. If you don’t have time to schedule a meeting with someone, use an app like ELSA , which will listen to your pronunciation and suggest corrections.


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