You Probably Forgot to Apply Sunscreen to the Most Cancer-Prone Part of Your Face.
If you’re not sure if every inch of your face is covered with sunscreen right now, take a seat. We need to talk.
Yes, it’s ( almost ) winter now. No, I am not suggesting that you are on vacation in a tropical location. You may not be currently at risk of sunburn, but UVA rays, which increase your risk of cancer, work all year round. That’s why it’s wise to apply a small amount of SPF moisturizer every morning, and yes, it’s true even if you’re a dude, even if you have dark skin , even if you plan on staying inside all day .
As a bonus, you also protect yourself from wrinkles and skin thickening associated with aging.
But even if you remember to put on sunscreen, chances are you will forget about your eyelids. Eyelids account for 10 percent of all skin cancers , but a UK study of sunscreen use found that many subjects skipped their eyelids and skin near the inner corners of their eyes .
But there is good news as well. People put on sunscreen much better after receiving a flyer with this message:
Skin cancer most often occurs on exposed areas of the body. Most skin cancers occur on the face, with 10% of all skin cancers occurring in the sensitive areas of the eyelids, which are thinner and therefore more sensitive to sunlight. Using sunscreen reduces the risk of skin cancer.
So now you’ve read this post too, and you can be sure to apply morning moisturizer on and around your eyelids. If you are wearing makeup, consider using an SPF eyeshadow so you don’t miss a single blemish.