How Weed Affects Your Sex Life

With the recent legalization of marijuana in several states and the creation of several sex-targeted THC products like Foria’s personal lubricant, more people are starting to wonder about the relationship between marijuana and sex. Here’s what we know about how weed can affect various aspects of your sex life.


Many marijuana enthusiasts report that it makes them more relaxed and reduces their anxiety and sexual inhibitions. They report that they are interested in certain activities that they may have been too shy to try a sober lifestyle. The power of anxiety to destroy every aspect of a person’s sex life should not be underestimated. A little anxiety relief may be just what you need for a better sex life.

But as with wine, too much herb can have the opposite effect. Paranoia – one of the most stereotypical reactions to weed – doesn’t make sex very fun at all. And other people find that instead of making them feel relaxed and at ease, weed actually makes them feel anxious and stuck in their own thoughts.

The effect of weed on your sexual inhibitions probably boils down to the effect it has on you in general. If you are relaxed and happy on the grass, you are likely to be more open to sex while high. If weed is causing you anxiety and paranoia, you probably shouldn’t smoke for the explicit purpose of lowering your sexual inhibitions.


Weed’s ability to reduce inhibitions can also lead to problems with sexual safety. You may be more prone to risky behavior while you are high. You can also forget about your usual safety rules, such as wearing condoms. Consent can also be fuzzy if you are not in your mind to fully agree with something or to make sure that your partner also enthusiastically agrees. If weed tends to send you to another stratosphere, you can avoid intense sex unless you have a reliable partner.

Sex drive

There have been no specific studies of the relationship between sex drive and marijuana. For many people, less anxiety and less inhibitions make them much more interested in sex, so in this way marijuana seems to anecdotally increase their sex drive. But too much marijuana can also impair your sex drive. It’s hard to get motivated to exercise by having sex if you’re experiencing weed-induced laziness.

Sexual frequency

A recent study by Stanford University School of Medicine found that marijuana use is correlated with an increase in the frequency of sexual intercourse in both men and women. The researchers found a 20% increase in sexual activity in those who smoked weed compared to those who did not. An increase was found across all demographic characteristics – age, race, socioeconomic status, educational level, and so on. Of course, this is a correlation, not a causal relationship.

Pleasure and orgasm

Many people anecdotally report that smoking marijuana during sex makes them feel more playful, open, and connected to their partners. Just as smoking marijuana with friends can bring you closer together, so can smoking marijuana and having sex with your partner. Some people also feel that the weed enhances their senses, making touching and caressing more pleasant. Foria , one of the most famous cannabis products, claims to help women achieve orgasms more easily simply by using a THC lubricant during intercourse.

Unfortunately, the news is not so rosy for men. Numerous studies have linked daily marijuana use to erection problems and inability to reach orgasm. It should be noted that the aforementioned Stanford University study, which is one of the most thorough to date, showed that marijuana use does not impair sexual functioning.


Potentially bad news for marijuana users trying to conceive: Small studies have found that regular marijuana use (more than once a week) lowers sperm count by as much as 30%. The researchers suspected the decrease was due to the interaction of THC with sperm. A separate study found that even if a woman smoked, THC in her system could affect any sperm that enters her reproductive system. Researchers are still hesitant to describe this as a clear causal link, but if you don’t smoke weed for medical reasons, you might consider dialing until you become pregnant. (Of course, pregnant women are not allowed to smoke.)

Relaxation and quality of sleep

For most people, energy is the biggest obstacle to sexual activity. If you are exhausted, it is very difficult to get into the mood. Weed can not only help you sleep better on a consistent basis, but it can also make you feel more relaxed in the moment. For many, this may be enough to initiate sexual activity.


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