“Ask a Cleaner” Will Answer Your Questions About Potty Training

Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert, advice columnist, and New York Times bestselling author of My Boyfriend Is Boiling In My Purse … And Other Things You Can’t Ask Martha About . Her flagship column, Ask a Pure Man, debuted in 2011. Here at Offspring we’ve launched a new iteration dedicated to parenting and all the mess it brings.

Before we get to this week’s questions, a quick note on potty training is a topic: we have a lot to say about how to clean up the mess in potty training! With that in mind, next week’s column will also focus on potty training – specifically potty training on the go (is there any tips for managing this? LMK!) – and if you have any other questions, drop me a line or leave them in the comments.

Well, having kids is disgusting. I’m in the process of toilet training toddlers and I’m going crazy. Not with my baby! I understand that this is a huge transition that will take time to fully master. But with my laundry!

I try to rinse out any wet pants / underwear right away, but I usually don’t wash them the same day (apartment in New York, my washing machine isn’t there).

Obviously, for shitty disasters, I actually wipe off the clothes that broke the rules right away with detergent, but then again, once I do this “prewash” I don’t always wash that day (typing this, I feel really overwhelmed, damn it). BUT this is clearly not enough, because I noticed that all the spoiled clothes smell AWESOME after washing. So what can I do better? Do I have to do my laundry every day, which I honestly can’t afford, or is there a better pre-treatment solution I could use to eliminate the stench?

Hope you can help!

I can definitely help! There are basically two ways to solve the problem of persistent urine odor when washing: you can either pre-rinse your pants / underwear as you did with wet ones, or add a deodorizing agent. washing amplifier to eliminate unpleasant odors.

The second option will be easier because it only requires adding another product along with the detergent when washing, but the first is worth mentioning if dirty laundry is causing odor problems in the house. between wearing and washing.

While rinsing your pants with any soap will help you deal with fresh urine, Dr. Bronner’s is a great choice because it removes harsh odors from clothes very well. You can use an odorless fragrance or any of the fragrances.

You can also use Dr. Bronner’s directly when washing instead of conventional detergent; the website has a helpful guide to dilution ratios that you should check if you go this route.

White vinegar: Use half a cup of white vinegar to get rid of the smell of your laundry. Add vinegar to the rinse cycle by pouring it into the fabric softener compartment – the machine will dispense it at the right time in the cycle.

Borax : Borax is gentle but good at eliminating washing odors. As a bonus, it removes stains well and can brighten up white and light-colored clothes.

Zero Odor : Zero Odor is mainly sold for use on sports equipment, but it will work just as well with clothes that smell like urine. Add two ounces of Zero Odor to the detergent at the start of the wash cycle to neutralize odors.

Another tip for changing your washing practice is to choose a lower heat dry cycle, as higher heat builds up odors in your clothes.

We are in a difficult, terrible, too long process of potty training our 3 year old. He doesn’t pee in his pants all the time – even at night! His bladder is clearly the size of a house! – but poop remains a problem. How big is the problem?

Big enough for me to have a fun feces cleaning job yesterday:

Floor (2 times), toilet seat (3 times), bath mat, my sock (the one that was on me), fingers of a 3 year old baby (WHY DO YOU STILL FINGER UP), all doorknobs (so many doorknobs), sofa ( 3 times)

Everything is either hard surface or machine washable, but a sofa? I used an upholstery cleaner and it has a faint stain on it (and some dripping fabric paint, not really worried about that, it’s an old ugly sofa) and worst of all … a smell. Poop smell.

Sometimes I sleep on this couch. Sometimes guests sleep on this couch. What is the best way for me to root out the ghosts of past wacky couches? Except for buying a new sofa. This is indeed my preference, but alas, not on budget. Also, just flipping the couch cushions is no longer an option, because he used to poop on the couch, albeit in small quantities, and my husband solved all the PROBLEMS and turned the pillows, so we have NO CLEAN SIDE ANYMORE. Dude, don’t you know you only do somersaults before the company arrives?

I’m so glad you already have an upholstery cleaning machine because it will be a great weapon for removing stains as well as removing stubborn fecal odors from your sofa. But there are alternatives for those who do not have such a car, I will also tell you so that everyone has options.

The trick here is to use a different product in conjunction with a machine that kills odors; I’m going to recommend Dr. Bronner for this job. To use it in a carpet and upholstery machine, dilute 1 tablespoon of Dr. Bronner’s in a liter of water and pour it into the cleaning solution chamber. The machine can also be used with stain remover to remove dripping shadows. Shout works very well on feces, as does diluted borax . Apply them directly to the stains, let them soak for 5-15 minutes, and then use the machine to apply to the area.

Those without a carpet and upholstery machine can use the same stain removers. You will start with the same technique – apply the stain remover, let it stand for a few minutes to allow it to penetrate the stains – but instead of machine scrubbing it, use a nail or a laundry brush dipped in water to gently wipe away. rubbing the product into the fabric and helping to remove the stain. Use a clean cloth dampened with water to wipe off any remaining product and repeat as needed until the stains disappear.

Try carpet deodorant (which can also be used for upholstery) or odorless baking soda to remove odors. To use, sprinkle liberally on the couch, let the powder sit for 15 minutes or longer (especially if you are using regular baking soda), and then vacuum it. It’s worth noting that the flavored options can be too strong for many people, so if you’re sensitive to odors, use either a small amount or stick to plain baking soda.


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