How Do You Feel About Yourself Without Spending Money or Indulging in Food?

December is always a tough time of the year and 2017 is not good. Add this news cycle to the short days and stress of the holidays, and we are all probably in dire need of doing something good for ourselves. This is the best time to add some positivity to your emotional bank as the world drains and depletes your stores.

The problem is this: When I decide to pamper myself, almost every idea I come up with is either about spending money or eating junk food. Basically, there is nothing wrong with this, but you can also look for a whole arsenal of ways to improve your well-being that would not make your bank account or digestive system worse than where you started. And a person can take so many baths .

So let’s get it crowdsourced. Comment below on your favorite treats, grooming or wellness sprouts that are free, cheap, and not food (or drink). I’ll make a list to post this Thursday.


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