What You Need to Know When You Try CrossFit for the First Time

Intense CrossFit training is the subject of polarizing debate. It seems that the first rule of the Crossfit club is never to be silent about the Crossfit club, and on the other hand, this sport (routine? Discipline? Hobby?) Has its fair share of haters. So let’s take a moment to cut through this for anyone intrigued but not sure what they’ll get themselves into or if it’s worth it.

To accelerate everyone’s development, Crossfit workouts can include powerlifting or Olympic-style weightlifting; gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics such as hoop pull-ups and rope climbing; and often cardio in the form of running, cycling, or rowing. You can also expect stretches, push-ups, and more.

If you take a class, it will focus on WOD or workout of the day . You will not do all of the above, you will only do a small part. Maybe the goal of the workout is to improve your deadlift, or maybe it’s a metabolic conditioning workout (“metcon”), in which cardio exercises are alternated with full-body strength movements so that you are doing several types of fitness at the same time.

I tried Crossfit for the first time recently, although almost all of the ingredients are things that I already knew how and loved. Here are some of the things I’ve learned:

  • You can do a workout before starting classes . It will depend on your gym (sorry, your boxing), but mine offered a free technique training class. The boxes also usually offer (paid) private lessons or allow you to sign up for a series of beginner classes before you join everyone else. In training I started to learn to snatch , although to stay safe I am not going to try it with heavy weights until I practice it a lot more.
  • The barbells are much lighter than they appear . If you’re used to working out in gyms that only have 45 pound bars and large cymbals are also 45 pounds, you might be confused when you see videos of CrossFitters picking them up like they’re nothing. It turns out that bars come in a variety of weights, from 15 to 45 pounds, and these giant plates are available in sizes up to 10 pounds. This means that the barbell is about the same shape and size, no matter how heavy it is.
  • Nobody expects you to prepare a workout anytime soon . WODs posted on Crossfit.com or at your gym often indicate huge weights or difficult movement that makes you think, “uh, I can’t even do one- arm push-ups, let alone 45 of them. “. But even in a boxing full of experienced athletes, very few people perform a prescribed (Rx) weight or movement every time. These numbers are a goal to work towards, and your instructor will help you modify the exercises so you get the right workout. For example, you can do push-ups with your feet on a box instead of handstand push-ups.

However, I find it hard to believe that a newbie can come and have a great time; You feel like you need to know your body and have some experience with other types of exercise. CrossFit is also known for setting people up to exercise too intensely, which can lead to injury , although you can protect yourself by knowing your limits and choosing a good trainer.

So let’s talk about what beginners can expect.

  • If you’ve tried CrossFit , what would you like to know before you start? What did you learn in the first few days or weeks?
  • If you haven’t tried CrossFit yet, but you might want to know what you want to know? What questions or concerns do you have?

If you haven’t tried CrossFit and never want to because you think it’s silly , please quickly move on to the next article.


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