These Are the Safest Major Cities in the World to Visit Right Now.

Traveling to see the world does not necessarily mean taking risks and visiting dangerous places . There are many large cities in the world that are much safer to be in than most places here in the United States. Here are some great examples.

Using data based on 44 specific metrics in 60 major cities around the world, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) compiled its 2017 Safe Cities Index. Each city receives a score based on digital security (Internet privacy, risk of identity theft); health safety (air and water quality, environment); infrastructure security (buildings, roads, bridges); and personal safety (crime rate, violence). After collecting the data, the EIU consulted with researchers and experts to analyze the data using sources such as the World Health Organization. Here are the top 10 cities, starting with the safest:

  1. Tokyo, Japan
  2. Singapore
  3. Osaka, Japan
  4. Toronto, Canada
  5. Melbourne, Australia
  6. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  7. Sydney, Australia
  8. Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Zurich, Switzerland

Tokyo (Japan) ranks first for the third year in a row. They rank first in digital security, second in health security, and fourth in personal security. Singapore, on the other hand, is a leader in infrastructure security and personal safety, but struggles in the health security category. Toronto is the top-rated city outside of Asia and has seen a steady pace of improvement in security over the past few years .

Keep in mind that only the 60 largest cities in the world are included in this report, so not all cities are included in this list. Cities are selected based on regional representation and data availability, so don’t assume a city is unsafe just because it’s not listed here. When planning to travel somewhere, always do your own research so you know what to prepare for. You can find the complete 2017 Safe Cities Index at the link below. Safe travel.

Safe Cities Index 2017 | Economist


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