Continuously Progress Towards Your Goals With Non-Zero Days

Being motivated enough to work towards our goals can be challenging. The little things in life can get in the way of our lofty dreams – this is where the non-zero method comes in handy. The idea is simple: do only one thing every day that will help you move towards where you want to achieve. Even if you just do one squat or drink a glass of water, at least you will make some progress.

Here are some easy ways to spend a non-zero day:

  • Healthier Eating : Choose one meal a day that is mostly vegetables.
  • Workout : Do five push-ups, twists, jumps, or stretches.
  • Mental health : Spend one minute doing mindfulness meditation or breathing exercises.
  • Relationship : Send one text message, email, or call someone you care about.

This is similar to the “Don’t Break the Chain” method. In addition to the commitment to do one thing a day to achieve your goals, the non-zero method also aims to create a positive relationship with yourself. The non-zero subreddit explains:

Be grateful to the three “you”

Past self: Thank your past self for the favor they have done to you.

Real Me: Do yourself a favor in the future – they deserve it!

“I am from the future”: your best friend and great person.

This approach can help you forgive yourself if you have made mistakes or made mistakes in the past so that you can focus on the present and future rather than wasting time feeling guilty. In other words, don’t let the past zero days upset you. Focus on making today non-zero.


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