The Secret of the Magic 8 Ball Kayak Helps You Find a Cheap Last Minute Vacation

You have a little money and the desire to go on a weekend trip, but you do not know where you want to go. Now the kayak can help. This week, the app launched a new Magic 8 Ball feature that lets you shake your iPhone or Android device for recommendations on where to go for a short time.

An app designed specifically for a quick last-minute vacation will always recommend a ride that’s less than six hours away and includes less than $ 500 round trip flights with no more than one connection. The idea is that this is something you could do on the weekend if you wanted to.

To access the secret function, shake your phone while you have the Kayak app open. When you do, a pop-up window will appear asking if you would like to “take a chance” and spin the globe.

I’m currently visiting a family in North Carolina, and when I turned around, I was offered a $ 282 trip to Miami the first time (no thanks) and then a $ 518 flight to Austin as a second option.

Depending on your financial situation, $ 500 is still a lot of money to spend on your last adventure, and you still have to deal with things like hotel, transportation, and food when you get to your dream destination. However, you are also looking at last minute tickets, which are inherently expensive. The round trip for $ 282 in 3 days isn’t really the worst.

Even if you don’t decide to bite the bullet and book this last-minute trip, the app’s feature can be a great way to get some inspiration where you could potentially travel cheaply on your future vacation. If you can get a pretty cheap last minute airline ticket deal, you can probably get something even cheaper if you want to book your ticket weeks or months in advance.


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