Read Albert Einstein’s Tips for a Happy Life

In 1921, Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics. Soon after, he went on a lecture tour in Japan, where he decided he would start tipping people with advice rather than money, Quartz reported .

While this is arguably the move that will get you poorly served these days, some of Einstein’s advice seems to have been well received and is still in the possession of those or their families he spoke of. More recently , a handwritten note appeared , written at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo in 1922, offering advice for a happy life.

“A calm and humble life brings more happiness than pursuit of success combined with constant worry,” Einstein wrote in his native German.

Around the same time, the same messenger received another note from Einstein with the message that you may have heard before: “Where there is will, there is a way out.”

The notes were sold this week at Winner by a relative of the original courier. A relative said that when Einstein left the notes, he said, “Maybe if you’re lucky, these notes will become much more valuable than just a regulatory tip.”

It turns out he was right. The first bill sold for $ 1,560,000 and the second for $ 240,000.


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