How to Buy an IPhone X This Week

The iPhone X, Apple’s $ 1,000 smartphone , goes on sale on Friday, November 3. If you are waiting for the right time to shop, then this week is for you. Apple just showed you how to get the phone in its first round of sales (or at least try it out). Depending on your preferred purchase method, a face scan and notch iOS device can be yours without having to carry your body into an actual Apple retail store.

Pre-order online (if you can)

Eliminate the hassle of going to the physical Apple store to pre-order your iPhone X online; you can do it all from the Apple website or through the Apple Store app. That is, if you plan on staying very late Thursday night as pre-orders start Friday, October 27th at 12:01 am PDT. Even though you might be second in line at your local Apple Store, online pre-ordering is a different matter entirely. Everyone around the world will be visiting Apple’s website trying to buy a (home) device. This means the servers processing orders will slow down before being bypassed, and you may suffer from connection timeouts, which could push you back a bit or force you to restart the pre-order process entirely. Remember to breathe, or at least use a wired internet connection.

Apple Upgrade Members Receive First Cash

Membership has its perks, especially if you’re looking to get a new iPhone X. Eligible iPhone Upgrade members can start the upgrade process earlier and save some pre-order time by getting your order before regular customers place it. knows how to do the same. You will need your device’s serial number and IMEI, which you can find in your iPhone’s Settings app by going to General> About. A credit check is required, but if you pass it, you can go ahead and pre-order at midnight quickly and efficiently, so you can end up in the bag. For two years, you’ll pay $ 49.91 per month for the 64GB model or $ 56.16 per month for the 256GB model.

Go to the Apple Store

Thrill seekers can always try their luck and try to get their hands on the iPhone X in the flesh. You can walk into any Apple Store on Friday, November 3rd at 8:00 am and buy it there, but you’ll likely be one of the many waiting in line for the flagship device. Due to alleged manufacturing issues, supplies of the iPhone X will be limited, so waiting in line with the rest of the iPhone X backers might not be the best idea due to the limited number of devices coupled with early risers waiting in line. before you can ask Siri about Friday morning weather. You are better than this. Use the internet.

Go through your carrier

Each carrier has their own stocks of iPhone X devices, but you can try to improve your chances of getting one by following your carrier’s pre-order instructions. Pre-orders begin at the same time as Apple’s own pre-order program. You can try going to your carrier’s retail store, but the chances are slim that it will have enough devices to meet demand on launch day.


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