Best Careers for People Who Want to Work Outside the Home

Indoor work isn’t for everyone. Some people need to move a lot to be happy, others need to be in touch with nature, and still others just don’t like booths, fluorescent lighting, or the “someone has a Monday case” culture.

Luckily, the Bureau of Labor Statistics got you covered. In the agency’s Career Perspective, economist Elka Torpey looked at the data and compiled a list of job opportunities for people who love to spend time in nature .

Torpey immediately notes that the category of “outdoor jobs” is quite extensive. Do you imagine yourself on the roof all day? Saving lives in an ambulance? Captain of the ship? There are outdoor jobs for all interests, salary and educational estimates, and even options for how much time you want to be outdoors: if you are a lumberjack, you will be outdoors a lot; if you are a civil engineer i assume you have some amount of work at your desk.

You can break the professions into “outdoors with people” (which obviously won’t work for those who pretend to be alone in the wasteland), “outdoors in the water” (tower operator, ship engineer), or “outdoors. air into the forest ”(scientist-restorer, faller).

These are all useful data, and they are especially useful for coming up with career ideas that just aren’t on your radar – like a surveyor, an area I completely forgot about. But if you are advising a young person on a career or considering the job for yourself, no amount of data replaces interviewing or spying on someone already in the business. The first BLS graph shows that the leisure and hospitality sector employs a lot and is projected to grow by 2024, but I can tell from my own hospitality experience that many of these jobs are suitable for young people. but can be challenging for seniors looking for a stable career for life.

Finally, if you are a city person, but also an outdoor person (they exist!), You can still find several options, from postman to installer to repairman. In short, if you want to chop off dead trees or raise animals, or yes, walk alone through the wasteland, there is work for you.


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