What Should We Bake Next?

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Will It Casserole, a Retro Week -style column where we discover which dishes, dishes and cuisines can be reimagined and turned into casseroles.

Cheesy, layered, layered masterpiece from last week is what I dream of, and I’m thrilled to see you cook everything up for me next time in a casserole. Here are some options you can choose or ignore:

  • Stoner Casserole: My vision for this includes pizza rolls, macaroni and cheese, and a Dorito-and-Hot Cheeto crust, but I’m open to other, ultra-high suggestions.
  • Waffle House casserole: smothered, covered, etc.
  • Italian Casserole: This will include lots of jerky, some good bread, and lots of provolone.
  • Hamburger Casserole: I’m not talking about the hamburger mate – I’m talking about a combination of beef, cheese, bacon, onions, and toasted diced sesame seed buns. And you can bet your buns will be topped with diced pickles.

As always, feel free to leave your shiny casserole below in the comments, and don’t forget to start your favorite dishes.


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