The Complete Guide to How to Pay Less at Starbucks

The best way to save money on Starbucks is to make coffee at home. The second best way is to buy somewhere cheaper. But the third best way is to hack your Starbucks order to pay less for the same (or similar) drink. Some break-ins are innocent; others to a lesser extent. Here’s a selection of the best Starbucks hacks from recent years.

At Lifehacker Now wicked week , which means that we are studying is not quite decent methods to deal with the shit. We like to think we’re shedding light on these tactics as a way to help you do the opposite, but if you’re really mean, this week might not be of any use to you. You decide.

Make a latte with a cheap ass

The most famous (and controversial) trick received 597 comments on the Starbucks Gossip blog: Save on an iced latte by making a “ghetto latte.” Order a cold Americano without water, then add milk from a shared jug. (You can do this with a hot drink, but it will be at room temperature.)

Some baristas hate this trick because they now need to top up the milk. Try giving them half the difference, but don’t expect them to thank you. blogger Alesandra Dubin recently tested this trick and got a three- serving cold latte for $ 5 for $ 2.65 , without any dirty looks.

Make a cheap tea latte

Likewise, instead of Tazo Chai latte, try this recipe from Consumerist reader Kelly:

I just ask for misto tea tea, with two bags, to be nice and strong, with half cinnamon and half vanilla syrup with lots of foam. Sprinkle some cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla into the lather and BAM! I cut my drink in half in a week, but I haven’t lost the flavor.

Share the French press

Meeting for coffee? “Order the French press ,” says a Reddit editor. When Dubin tested this trick, her barista had to test how to brew it as Starbucks basically switched to Clover one-cup brewing. But she happily made a kettle that costs half the price of an equivalent one-time coffee. It is also a more general ritual.

Don’t crack iced coffee

Don’t order hot coffee and a cup of ice; he will come out weak. Yes, iced coffee is more expensive, but it is also brewed at a double strength , former barista Jesse told Consumerist.

Order large sizes, not extra frames

If you like the extra espresso in your drink , you can get it cheaper if it was presented as a larger drink with less water, rather than a smaller drink with an extra dose, says Consumerist. But only sometimes! Right now, Starbucks in New York’s Union Square is reasonably charging the same for a three-shot American and a regular (three-shot) grand American.

Use a large cup for the “milk space”

Here is such a small thing for those of you who want a “milk space” but lie awake at night, dreaming of a wasted quarter inch of cup space. “Order coffee in a cup of the following size ,” Dubin says. It will also make your coffee less vulnerable.

Get rid of frappuccino

“They pay off the least,” says Consumerist. To satisfy a sweet tooth, add syrup to your regular drink . The cost of several servings of syrup is equal to the cost of one serving.

Bring your cup

If you use your own cup, you get a dime regardless of the size of the drink.

Don’t use Drive-Thru

According to Consumerist, the vehicle must charge a fee for each add-on. But at a personal meeting, baristas can tell you about additional services for free.

Find an old espresso machine

It’s unlikely (pun intended!), But six years ago, some Starbucks vending machines could only pour two cups of espresso at a time. So, according to therewillbesnacks, if you order a three-serving drink, you can politely ask for a fourth serving for free .

Use the app with care

Order drinks through the app and get loyalty rewards. But if you’re the type of person who is easily fooled by upselling — if, say, you’ve ever spent money on Candy Crush — the reward system will backfire. Starbucks will chat in front of you with “extra” bonus points if you buy baked goods or advertised drinks. Don’t be a sucker.


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