How to Get a Free Hotel Night

Staying at the hotel is pleasant, especially if you leave space in your luggage for the mini shampoos and towels that come with the kit. It is a pity that it is so expensive to take a rest from the apartment for the night that it is better to just go to Bed Bath & Beyond. That is, unless you learn to cheat your way to a free home away from home in a completely legal way.

A redditor named youlovethisish (I know) on subreddit / r / SocialEngineering asked about free hotel rooms after discovering wasps squatting in the one they had already paid for:

I called the front desk and while he was trying to convince me that there should be no more, I told him that I thought it wise to move the rooms. He said he had been booked, so I suggested partner hotels. It looks like they are not in the area, so I finished checking in and headed to a different, unrelated hotel.

The operational police wanted to know if they had something else to spend a few days at the hotel. Although their money for the bug stand was returned, the cost of finding a new, unrelated location was more than they bargained for. The main answer was “complain, complain, complain”.

/ u / JyveAFK wrote that technically the hotel has no legal obligation, so if you want more fairness you need to squeeze a little harder:

From a legal point of view, they have already done the right thing, they “cured you.” The risk will look like you are pushing it.

What / could / work is to contact someone higher in the chain, let them know, but in “how can we stop this again?” I love your hotel, I’m sure this is a one-off option, but is there a better way to deal with this in the future, like I was charged for the hotel, since I didn’t stay, there were still some problems with having to move. ”And leave it’s there. If they offer one or two nights, great, if they are “thanks for your input, we will take it into account” then that will be all. There may even be / a few / points that they will give you because they easy.But be careful with the tone you use, as soon as you demand, they will resist as they did what they needed.

The politeness of the complaint is emphasized. There are many managers or employers in the chain who may be willing to help the smart buyer — the one who stands out from all the foolish people who handle telephone lines on a daily basis. They also try to build a good reputation for the hotel in customer service (if they know how to do their job) and a satisfied customer is a repeat customer.

But if you can’t be good, you can always escalate. / u / Dave Manchester suggested posting the OP because once information appears on social media, companies tend to react faster:

Post to social media. Treat customer service with courtesy.

User seanfish even wrote a small script:


I’m really disappointed with the service I got from @hotelchain on #city yesterday.

Another aspect of a free hotel room that people may not be aware of is the obligation for airlines to pay for your room (and usually food) in the event of long flight delays. It varies pretty wildly from place to place, but in the old thread with / r / United Kingdom, Ryanair passenger was pleased to discover that they are outfor a little rest and relaxation for the right to life widower possession of property of the deceased wife’s company. This is something to look out for when trying to fall asleep in an airport chair.

You can also read this very creepy thread on how you can sneak into a hotel room for nefarious purposes by walking up to a table, but perhaps save it for when you’re overseas on Halloween and just die to have a cheap session.


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