Uber Sign Language Feature Helps You Communicate With Deaf Drivers

Everyone has their own preferences when using the sharing service. Someone likes a chatty driver or someone talks on the radio, while someone prefers complete silence until they get to their destination. If your Uber driver is deaf or hard of hearing, communication can be more difficult or potentially inconvenient. But the company is making it easier for drivers to communicate with hearing-impaired Uber drivers by providing each driver with a short American Sign Language lesson through the sharing app and Uber Sign Language feature.

The list includes ten essential phrases you can use to communicate with a deaf or hard of hearing Uber driver. Each phrase is accompanied by a GIF-image, which depicts the required sign, including the lettering of your name. If you’d like to do a little pre-training, you can visit the Uber Sign Language site where you can enter your name and practice your gestures from there.

The site can be accessed in the browser of your choice, but if you ever connect to a deaf Uber driver, you’ll see a pop-up in the Uber app itself. This way, you always have the information you need to exchange basic greetings and requests. Even if you’re not going somewhere, learning a sign or two is helpful if you ever encounter a hearing impaired person, and when combined with our tips for dealing with a deaf or hard of hearing person, this could change the trajectory of your interactions for the better.


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