Alexa Text Search Is One of Echo’s Least Known Features

If you didn’t know, Alexa can help you find this song with one lyrics that sounds like “blah blah blah” or something like that.

All you have to do is say, “Alexa, play the right song [insert a few words you know here],” and it will be easy for her. This is great when you have a funny earworm in your brain and you just can’t remember the name of the song. This feature isn’t entirely new or anything like that, but it’s something every Alexa owner should know.

Right now, Amazon is showcasing the most in-demand songs by lyrics via Alexa. These tracks either have catchy choruses, memorable, outstanding lyrics, or confusing titles that don’t seem to match the lyrics that Alexa owners are trying to find on their own (like Fitz’s best “HandClap” track and Tantrums). You can view the full track list in order below.


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