How to Improve Your Tagging Game

Tag, the classic chase game, is as fun now as it has been for many years. If you have a group of people and an open space to run and shout, here are some basic game options. Try them. You are!

Welcome to Retro Week , where we light up the flux condenser and introduce you to the 1950s know-how of everything from making casseroles to building fallout shelters to joys for kids to relax and play with trash.

Amoeba Tag

One player starts out as an amoeba. This player is trying to catch people, and whoever is caught must become part of the amoeba, holding hands. To catch more people, the amoeba must form a connected circle around them. The game continues until everyone is part of the amoeba.

It’s all

Everyone is scattered around the playground. The person starts the game by shouting: “Everything is ready!” and then everyone runs and tries to tag each other. Anyone marked must sit down for the rest of the game. If two people tag each other at the same time, they should both sit down. The last player remaining wins the game.

Color label

Divide the group into several teams and assign a different color to each team. The man who is It stands in the middle of the field. The rest of the players stand to the sides. It evokes color. All players on that colored team must cross the field to safety on the other side. Any player that is marked becomes him.

Dragon Tail Tag

All players form a konga line to become one long dragon. The player in front is the dragon’s head and the last player is the dragon’s tail. The dragon’s head must try to catch and swallow its tail. The tail tries to dodge the head, moving away from it, but the players can never let go of each other. If the head grabs the tail, the head connects to the tail and the next person in line becomes the new head.

Flashlight tag (aka Spotlight)

This is a tag at night. Instead of physically tagging the players, the person who does it directs a flashlight beam at them.

Flip the bird

In this ban / tag hybrid, one player is holding an object such as a ball, a flying saucer, or a rubber chicken. The player who owns It can tag anyone if that person does not have an object. The group works together to convey the object to the person He is pursuing, so that it is more difficult for people to be tagged.

Freeze tag

The one who is marked freezes in place. An option is the Cartoon Freeze Tag (players can unfreeze themselves by shouting out the cartoon character’s name if no one else has said the same). You can also play Animal Freeze Tag, Ice Cream Flavor Freeze Tag and so on.

Tunnel tag

One player is It. When a player is marked with a marker, he must remain in place with his legs apart, creating a tunnel. It can be unfrozen if a non-IT player crawls under the foot tunnel. When all players are frozen, a new He is selected and the game starts again.

Kick the can

A combination of hide and seek and tags. Somewhere in the field they put a metal can. The player who owns the id closes his eyes and counts while everyone else hides. When the time is up, he looks for players, and when a player is noticed and called by name, he must run to the bank and try to knock it over before he can tag them. Trapped players must go to jail. A player who is not found can free everyone in the prison by sneaking up on the can and kicking, shouting, “Kick the can!”

Unch Nich (also known as Up and Down)

Popular in Pakistan and India, and best played on the playground, this variation of the tag keeps players safe when they are above the ground – hanging from a tree branch, standing in a jungle gym, climbing a pole, swinging on a swing, and T. D.

Sock Tag

Everyone takes off their socks and tuck one end into their belt to make a tail. Players should try to steal other people’s socks without taking them. The player with the most socks (including the original tail) wins.

Sharks and minnows

One player is a shark and the rest are minnows. Minnows try to run from the start point to the end point without being marked and eaten by the shark. If a player is tagged, they become a shark.

What time is it, Mr. Fox?

One player is Mr. (or Miss) Fox. The rest of the players stand in a straight line facing Mr. Fox and shout: “What time is it, Mr. Fox?” Mr. Fox responds with times such as “four hours!” The players then take four steps towards Mr. Fox. But if Mr. Fox screams “midnight!” all players must run back to the starting line to prevent Mr. Fox from marking them. If a person is tagged, he becomes Mr. Fox.


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