How to Determine Your Personality Type With Gretchen Rubin

In this issue we are talking about personality tests. You know: These are tests that ask you personal questions about your philosophy of life, your behavior, or your ethics, and then tell you what kind of person you are. How much do they really reveal? And what does our desire to take them say about us?

We’ll talk to a good friend at The Upgrade – and our first regular guest – New York Times bestselling author Gretchen Rubin . Gretchen is the author of the new book Four Trends: Essential Personality Profiles That Show How To Make Your Life Better (And The Life Of Others) . We will then be joined by some of the Lifehacker staff on our own results on a couple of popular personality tests: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which uses Jung’s theory to determine your personality type, and the Dark Triad Test, which claims to tell you how evil you are compared to the rest of the population. And producer Levi Sharp takes to the streets to ask people what personality tests have told (or not told) them about themselves.

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Every week we want to tell you about the improvements we have made to our lives. This week we talked about the best grips , the perfect nighttime skincare ritual, and the Command Hook upgrade.

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