How to Choose the Perfect Dog If You Have Kids

I have been known as “feline man” for many years, but recently my family decided it was time to add another species to our home: the dog. We ended up with a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier puppy and we couldn’t love him more. He is a ball of energy, he will be medium to large in size (about 30-40 pounds), he is very friendly (he gives everyone a Wheat Hello) and gets along great with children. He doesn’t spill. He may not be the perfect dog for everyone (high energy, grooming), but he is just the right dog for us . With a little research and due diligence, you too can find your perfect canine companion.

You will have a dog for years to come, so take your time and choose the right dog for your family. Since there are so many types of dogs, consider the following when choosing a dog.

Where to get a dog

First things first: never buy a dog at a pet store . They are notorious for bringing dogs from “puppy factories” where conditions can be dire and the dogs can be seriously unhealthy. Ask your neighbor dog owners and people in your area where they got their dog. Offer to take the dog for a walk, or sit down, or take a walk with your friend and his dog. Visit local shelters and talk to them about your pet wishes and needs.

If you are looking for a specific breed, is a good resource for finding shelters or rescue groups that may contain the breed you are looking for. If you want a purebred dog and can’t find a shelter or rescue group that suits your needs, make sure the breeder you choose is reputable .

Purebred and mixed breeds

Purebreds may have consistency in physical and behavioral traits, but some are prone to health problems. They can be more expensive than mongrels. Dogs may be less prone to breed-specific health problems, but some (though not all) shelter dogs may have potential behavioral problems. If you have a mixed breed puppy, you may not know how big the dog will be when it grows up.

Whatever you decide, research potential breeds so you have an idea of ​​what to expect. The American Kennel Club compiles a list of the most popular breeds in the United States, with details of the typical characteristics of each breed.

Which breed is right for your family?

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), these are some of the best dogs for kids :

Bulldog : The AKC calls them “decent but funny.” They are known for their calmness, friendliness and good relationships with other dogs as well as children.

Beagle : Adorable and weighing less than 20-30 pounds, the Beagle is very trainable and gets along well with children and other dogs.

Newfoundland : Good with children and good-natured, Newfoundland is large (100-150 pounds) and dedicated and will need plenty of room to play.

Golden Retriever : A classic family dog, the Golden Retriever is intelligent and lovable, very active, eager to please and gets along well with children.

Labrador Retriever : The Labrador retriever is the most popular breed in the United States. They love to play, have a lot of energy, and get along well with children and other supervised dogs.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier : These dogs are so friendly that they give everyone a “wheat hello”; Wheat does not shed. The AKC says wheat should be “lifted with a gentle but firm hand.”

Weimaraner : The elegant Weimaraner is a very athletic and intelligent dog, large (55-70 pounds) but good with children.

Bull Terrier : Friendly and stupid, they are said to get along well with supervised children. The AKC claims the Bull Terrier is like “a three-year-old in a dog suit.”

Boxer : Boxers are very active – they love a lot of exercise and love to be challenged. They lend themselves well to training and get along well with children.

The size

If you live in an apartment, condominium, or co-op, you may have restrictions on the size / weight of your dog (and if you live in a tiny apartment, you probably don’t need a Great Dane or Bernese Mountain Dog.). If you have an active family, a larger dog may be suitable for you.

Size is not always indicative of temperament – although there are aggressive large dogs and gentle small dogs, some large breeds have a reputation for being “gentle giants,” while some small dogs can be quite aggressive.

Puppy vs. Adult

When you have a puppy, you have a delightful ball of energy — one that will take a lot of walking, home teaching, and obedience training. They will pee, gnaw and gnaw on rugs, floors and furniture.

If you have an adult dog, you may have a calmer dog. However, you can also get an adult dog that is scared or aggressive from previous experience; If so, you need to be prepared for some serious training.


Do you want a dog that is full of energy with which you can jog, hike and adventure in nature? Or maybe you want a dog that is happy to snuggle against you? What about children in a family? Make sure you have a dog that will work with your family – don’t try to change your family’s lifestyle to suit the dog.


Some people may prefer dogs with shorter coats that may shed but do not require professional grooming. Others prefer dogs that shed very little, but may require trips to the groomer. Do you want a soft and fluffy dog ​​or a dog with a coat that will withstand a lot of outdoor romp?

Cost and lifestyle

Dogs are an additional expense in the family budget, no matter what. You should be prepared to spend time and money on walks, training and veterinary care, as well as food, toys, bedding, and grooming supplies. Do both of your parents work overtime in your family? You will want to know the cost of daily dog ​​walking in your area. Do you travel a lot? Will you need to take your dog with you or sit on it while you are away? Consider veterinary and nursing costs. Will you get insurance for your dog? Be prepared to neuter or neuter your dog.

Other considerations

The child may promise to walk and feed the dog, but the adults in the family will have primary responsibility for owning the dog – including walking, exercising, grooming, buying food and supplies, and visiting the veterinarian.


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