I’m Jet.com President Lisa Landsman and This Is How I Work

Jet.com President Lisa Landsman was recently promoted as Jet’s director of customer service. She previously held senior management positions at Etrade, BlackRock and Citigroup. She also sits on the GO! Project , a New York-based foundation that provides educational opportunities for children in need. We asked her how she does her job.

Location: Hoboken, NJ. Current job: President of Jet.com. One word that best describes how you work: Joy. Current mobile device: iPhone. Current computer: MacBook Pro.

First of all, tell me a little about your past and how you became who you are today.

In previous positions at IBM, Citi, BlackRock, and Etrade, I deeply valued data intelligence and the importance of smart collaboration, developing a true passion for customer understanding as I previously learned how to manage and leverage scale. I also began to realize how important it is to balance the right and left hemispheres in many types of work. What has probably best prepared me for joining Jet.com is understanding how to recognize a great collection of talent.

What apps, software or tools can’t you live without?

Dark Sky (I’m a fan of the weather), Slack (because Slack …), LastPass (because adults don’t use stickers to store hundreds of passwords).

How is your workplace arranged?

Although I have a work desk, our workspace spans three floors at our headquarters in Hoboken, and I mostly wander between conference rooms and the beautiful open floor plan we have here at Jet.com; There are great collaboration spaces and nooks and crannies here. You can work with Hudson views, on a comfortable sofa with your legs raised, or in a soundproof booth to truly focus.

What’s your best time-saver or life hack ?

I travel all the time, so I try to leave the same travel-sized toiletries in my 2-3 basic overnight bags so I don’t have to think about it every time.

What’s your favorite to-do list manager?

I’m actually using the native Reminders app on my iPhone; it’s always with me and very straightforward.

What are some of the things you do best in everyday life? What’s your secret?

Evaluation is my stupid human trick. My grandfather, who was a bookie, took me to the track when I was little and taught me to get really good at math in my head.

What do you listen to while you work?

I prefer silence, but sometimes, if I really need to turn off everything around me, I turn on music from the playlist for my morning runs. There is a lot of Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen on it right now, plus Idina Menzel singing Christmas carols. (Like all cute Jewish girls, I LOVE Christmas music.)

What are you reading now? Or what would you recommend?

I just finished New York 2140, it was amazing – really enjoyable, dark comedic sci-fi that was surprisingly upbeat considering the setting is New York, which is mostly underwater.

How do you replenish? What do you do when you want to forget about work?

Cooking … it completely puts me out of my head. And I love to eat. I am a heavy (meat) smoker on weekends.

What’s your favorite side project?

We are trying to attract more women to government positions!

What is your sleep pattern? Are you a night owl or get up early?

I have always loved sleeping and feel that my diligence in this matter was the key to conserving energy. But my circadian rhythms changed completely when I had kids (like many parents) and I went from owl / late sleeping to HBT (horizontally ten) / getting up early.

Fill in the blank: I would like _________ to answer these same questions.

Michelle Obama.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“In this world, you can do whatever you want, if you don’t care who gets the recognition.” Both evidence of the dangers of selfishness and the sometimes sad state of affairs regarding how women should act in less inclusive environments. (The advice came from my mom when I was in high school.)

What else would you like to add that might be of interest to readers and fans?

I grew up in Philadelphia, so thanks to Pat’s King of Steaks (still dreaming of fried onions).


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