There Are No Truffles in Truffle Oil Yet

There is a fairly popular local burger chain near me that refuses to cook truffle-free fries. They are not terrible, but overwhelming and hide the taste of everything you eat. They are also not made from real truffles.

The fact that there are no truffles in truffle oil is not a sensation – Vogue reported it back in 2003 – but scraps of truffle oil and other truffle-flavored products are still popping up in specialty grocery stores and trendy restaurants. According to the New York Times , “ four class action lawsuits have been filed in New York and California in which Trader Joe’s, Urbani Truffles, Sabatino, and Monini were accused of fraudulent activities with the intent of“ false, misleading and deceptive misbranding ”of its products from truffle oil “. But what about oil bottles that show truffle pieces? They have their own problems because biology just doesn’t work. According to the same article, butter will only taste as good if the truffle is fresh.

Does that mean you can’t enjoy fried truffle, truffle popcorn, or truffle mashed potatoes? No dude. You like what you like, but just know that you most likely like synthetic 2,4-dithiapentane , a deliciously symmetrical organosulfur compound. Also know that you don’t have to pay that much for it; synthetic aromatic oils are not that expensive to manufacture.

Truffle Oil without Real Truffles | The newspaper “New York Times


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