The Manga Version of the Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Makes Teens Actually Get Rid of the Clutter

Marie Kondo built an empire with her “life-changing” cleaning method, inspiring millions of people to quit the cruelty of rolling socks into balls and start thanking inanimate household items that bring joy. Now she reaches a new audience: fans of the graphic novel.

Condo has transformed its corporate management to eliminate clutter in comic manga “manga about a life-changing cleaning” , which tells about a fictional service representative twenty -odd years on behalf of Chiaki, whose life – figurative and literal mess. In the story, illustrated by artist Yuko Uramoto, from the cartoon Mari Kondo swoops in on Chiaki’s apartment disaster and saves the day by teaching her the principles of the KonMari Method. (Clothes that look like they like to flutter in the wind, or clothes that are too cut to bend, should be hung on a hanger, explains Kondo’s cartoon.)

Do you know who loves this book? Parents of teenagers. Catherine Roth Associated Press writes that after the fact, like her two boys read the manga, there was something magical . They cleaned up.

While my two sons, 12 and 14 years old, were not interested in her early books, they were arguing over who could rip up Kondo’s manga as soon as they spot her on the dinner table. And while they rolled their eyes when I asked if this had changed in their life, my youngest son was soon tidying up his desk and rummaging in his drawers, and my eldest son was going on a family trip, carefully folding his clothes into neat bags in his suitcase. He also commented on a recently purchased wardrobe in our living room, noting Kondo’s advice that additional storage furniture is unnecessary in a properly tidied home.

Then my boys passed the book to a friend who also rolled his eyes and shrugged when asked if he learned anything from it. But in a few days, he collected at least seven bags of unnecessary toys and clothes from his room.

How to fold dresses and skirts the Kondo way:

Amazon reviewers share similar stories about this book, which is easy to read, but it fully reveals the depth and complexity of the method – how we pile up a bunch of items “just because”, how we hold too many books “someday”, like three files to design documents are all we really need. One parent announced that her 10-year-old daughter “has joined our Kondo-ing family.” Another reviewer wrote: “My teens and teens love this book. After reading it, my daughter had four large bags for a thrift store. ” And also: “I bought this for my teens. The manga format made it less tedious to read. I even caught them laughing. Pictures help visualize her concepts. So when I tell the kids to fold and clean the laundry, they know exactly what to do! “

Maybe Kondo is the superhero we’ve been waiting for.


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