Get Fast Fighting Legs With This Skill Workout

Have you ever wondered how MMA fighters and footballers achieve such fast legs? Much of the secret is these footwork exercises. Do them in short bursts for a great cardio workout.

Alex Wong demonstrates five exercises in this video. Instead of an agility ladder – the standard equipment for footwork exercises – she simply uses a rope attached to the middle of the room. You can probably find a suitable line on the sidewalk or tiled floor near you. (To get bonus points, see if you can land with your feet right in the middle of each tile.)

To turn this into a workout, do the exercises for 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. Three rounds of each exercise will allow you to work for fifteen minutes or customize to your liking.

Difficulty : Easy to Medium

Modifications : The fifth exercise is quite difficult, so if you don’t feel it, just do the first four. If all of them are difficult from your point of view, just work on the first and try to get faster with each round. It can take a few tries to get comfortable with this.

Equipment : Just a line on the floor.

Sweat Factor : Take a cleaning kit .


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