Fidgeting Showdown: Fidget Spinner Vs. Fidget Cube

Whether you’re desperate for a distraction or want to give your friend’s kid something they love but parents may hate, this trendy fidget toy is the way to go. While it’s debatable whether they really help reduce anxiety or improve focus, fidgeting is common, and with some pocket-friendly fidget toys, you’ll be distracted whether you have a phone or not.


You can get yourself a fidget toy anywhere, but getting one that satisfies your curiosity may take a little thought. Your options include the time-tested Fidget Spinner, which can be found everywhere and seen in any shape, and the Fidget Cube, a versatile tactile distraction option. Which is the best one? Well it depends on what you are looking for.

Fidget Spinner

Fidget spinners are a true travel toy and dominate the fidget toy market. This is usually a three prong device with a central finger pad and a ball bearing inside. You snap the ends, the prongs spin. Simple.

Fidget’s Cube

Fidget Cubes are hex fidget toys with different tactile options on each side. Distractions typically include a joystick, a face with buttons, a spinning dial, a worry stone thumbprint, rotating gears, a ball bearing, and a derailleur. If you really have to fidget, you can do it in your pocket.

Fidget Spinner: The World’s Most Favorite Fidget Toy

Fidget lures are available in hundreds of colors, sizes and shapes. Want to have a flame on it? This is how it is . How about one made of brass? I have a spinner for you . You can also find them at any gift shop, corner shop, or wine cellar. They are everywhere. I think I saw a Green Lantern-style fidget spinner at GameStop.

Fidget spinners are popular for a reason: they are funny. The multi-point rotating toys are easy to use and only require three fingers to operate. You can also place it on a table and click on it to watch it spin like a top. Of course, you could just get the top.

Fidget spinners differ from fidget cubes in a more visual way of distracting attention than the tactile and sound focusing of a fidget cube. Rainbow lures, backlit lures, chrome spinners all look different when you spin them, so you can always get the one that bothers you the least when you feel the need to pull it out of your pocket.

You should watch out for any spinners with real electronics inside . These are cheap toys made abroad that can explode at the wrong time. Stick to Luddite friendly models.

Fidget Cubes: Superior Fidgeter

The Fidget Cube has six sides that you can tinker with. Six! Forget flicking your finger back and forth while watching the head spin, the Fidget Cube lets you tinker with a joystick, spinning dial and some buttons, among other functions. Although the Fidget Cube is not as popular as the Fidget Fidget, it has its fans and is a more low-key fidget toy.

The shape of the cube allows it to cover many tactile surfaces, but it looks very strange in your pocket as well. It’s like wearing a single cube. A strange deformed cube. Unlike the fidget spinner, which you can find in many thin, short, two-handed versions, the fidget cube is not quite flexible in terms of shape.

Fidget Cube is great for people who hate distractions but just want something to play with while they’re, well, fidgeting. The cubes do not rotate, so they will not distract your eyes when you decide to step back for a while.

Verdict: Fidget Cubes for Life

I think Fidget Cubes are the future of single-purpose distraction devices. With a wider array of convenient features, the cube’s silent and audible options make it the perfect companion for the anxious (not that it helps). It occupies your mind without drawing attention to itself and allows you to do with your hands in your pockets what you think looks perfectly normal.

As for fans of fidget spinners, I get it. Rotation, colors, sound of a rotating ball bearing. I know. But this is not enough. Fidget spinners, while popular, are one-trick ponies and will eventually become part of the cultural ephemeral versus long-term power of the fidget cube. When they discover that the rest of them are buried next to copies of the Atari 2600 ET, you wonder why it took you so long to implement this cube in your life.


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