Learn to Paint the New York Skyline Better Than Donald Trump

Every great artist has to start somewhere, and for Donald Trump, it happened to be an 8.5 by 11 inch piece of paper, a gold marker and a horrible view of the New York skyline. This super rare and very important sketch of Trump City is up for auction and can be yours for just under $ 11,000 .

The Artwork was originally created in 2005 for a literacy charity auction, which is an interesting reason for Trump given that he himself stated that he did not read books . Judging by the drawing, it seems that he, too, is not looking out the windows in his hometown. The buildings on the horizon are mostly indistinguishable, save for a jagged mess in the center, which is somewhat reminiscent of Trump Tower.

But this is Trump’s New York, so he’s perfect. The masterpiece is brushed with gold and framed that is 18.5 x 16 inches. There appears to be a slight smudge and wear on the right side of the picture, but the auction page states that it is otherwise “almost in good condition.” We venture to say that this is the greatest drawing of the New York skyline ever written on paper by a president who was once a reality TV star.

If art inspired you to try your hand at drawing your city, we’ve dug up some tutorial videos to get you started, no gold markers.


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