Don’t Let People Kiss Your Newborn

Noticing that their newborn daughter was so apathetic that she could not eat, her parents, Nicole and Shane Sifrit, rushed her to the hospital. There, less than two weeks later, baby Maryana died . Her funeral took place on Monday.

The doctors told the Sifrit that Mariana had contracted the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which led to a complication of meningitis. It is believed that she contracted the disease from kissing someone with the herpes virus and may or may not have known about it.

Nicole, who posted the tragedy on Facebook, gave other parents this advice: Don’t let anyone kiss your newborn.

The warning may sound harsh – babies are easily hugged creatures – but healthcare professionals support it too. Newborns have an immature immune system, so viruses and bacteria that cause mild illness in children and adults can cause serious illness in their tiny, vulnerable bodies. About 70 percent of all American adults are infected with HSV-1 and can carry the virus in their saliva at any time during their lives, even if they are asymptomatic. Although meningitis caused by bacteria or herpes is rare and occurs in fewer than 1 in 1,000 live births , kissing on a baby’s mouth, or possibly anywhere on the skin, can be extremely dangerous.

Here are some guidelines for parents with a newborn:

  • Everyone should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching the baby.
  • Don’t let anyone kiss your baby until he or she is six weeks old – by this point , the baby’s immune system must be strong enough that the risk of a life-threatening infection from a virus like herpes is almost negligible.
  • Allow only those who feel 100% healthy to visit your baby (anyone with a “sore throat” should return at another time).
  • Watch for any signs of HSV infection in newborns , including sores in the mouth, tongue, gums, lips, or throat, as well as pain, fever, difficulty breathing, swollen lymph nodes, or lethargy. If you notice symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.


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