How to Use Less Plastic Because We Use Too Much

For every person living in the world today, there is about a ton of plastic – this is 8,300 million tons of plastic produced since 1950 , most of which has turned into waste and ended up in landfills. Worse, plastic production is on the rise and half of all plastic on earth has been created in the past 13 years, but you can lessen your own impact by cutting down on your plastic consumption. Here are eight steps you can take.

Buy wholesale

Buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging required for an item. Instead of buying small containers of hand soap, buy a huge container that you can fill your little bottles with. Better yet, go for bulk bins and buy everything in containers from home. As an added bonus, buying in bulk also cuts down on the number of trips you have to take to the store and you save money while preserving the environment.

Use reusable shopping bags

Instead of packing your groceries in plastic bags every time you shop, bring a reusable bag with you. It can be as fancy as this one with many pockets , or it can be as simple as a recycled rice bag . A growing number of retailers such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are selling reusable bags at their checkouts, which means there is no excuse not to use them.

Companies are pushing to use less plastic

When enough consumers get loud enough, corporations respond to their demands. Being a smart consumer and knowing about the companies you buy from is beneficial. If the company does something that you disagree with , email and tweet them to express your outrage. Or better yet, start buying from your competitors instead.

For example, Coca-Cola produces over 100 billion plastic bottles in the United Kingdom, which is a concern for many environmentalists. An environmental group in the UK has filed a complaint urging Coca-Cola to do more to produce less waste. In response to these concerns, Coca-Cola UK announced initiatives such as a program that allows people to return bottles for a small amount of compensation .

Invest in reusable containers

Almost 35 billion plastic bottles end up in the trash every year. Instead of buying disposable plastic water bottles, buy a reusable water bottle or thermos, preferably not plastic. A good water bottle will not only improve your drinking experience (the water stays cold and doesn’t condense on the outside), but it will also encourage you to drink more water.

When bringing lunch to work or out to eat, bring your own utensils instead of disposable plastic. Kitchn has a round-up of its recommendations for reuse sets of accessories. Also, pack your meals more often in reusable containers instead of taking a takeout container ( we recommend using the tiffin set instead ).

Look for packaging alternatives

Most of the plastic we use is used for packaging, which means it is only used once and then thrown away or recycled. To get rid of this waste, look for alternatives to plastic packaging: buy toilet paper wrapped in paper, buy milk in glass containers that you can return, buy whole fruit from grocery stores, and ditch plastic bags altogether. For larger products such as avocados or apples, no production bags are needed. For small items like grapes, check with grocery stores to see if you can bring your own grocery bags instead of using grocery bags .

Insist on tax / ban on plastic

Individual action is important, but larger action, such as government action, can bring about major changes. Encouraging city officials to create laws that encourage the reduction of plastic consumption can make a huge difference in overall plastic consumption. Cities like San Francisco and Chicago have already introduced laws restricting plastic consumption . Meanwhile, some states, such as New York, have repealed laws on taxation of plastic bags. If you are unhappy with the plastic bag laws in your area, report it to your local authorities and contact Lifehacker’s management to get your local government to listen to you .


Instead of using lots of plastic bags to dispose of your trash, reduce the amount of trash you compost. You will be surprised to know how much garbage can be composted (more than half). You can buy a compost bin that does most of the work for you, or you can make one yourself . If you’re not sure where to start, Lifehacker has a detailed composting guide . But be sure to check the city’s composting laws first , because some cities don’t.

Buy second hand

New products almost always come in plastic packaging, but you can reuse other people’s items instead of buying new ones from the store. If you are looking for a new toy for your child, buy it second hand. Search thrift stores or Craigslist for items you need, such as clothes or furniture . The bonus is that it will also save you money along the way. Just be careful when buying used appliances or mattresses .


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