How to Light the Best Summer Bonfire

Bonfires are pretty much a summer and early fall tradition. You might think they are easy to put together in a few minutes, but with a little more effort, you can turn a mediocre campfire meeting into one that you and your friends will fondly remember.

Prepare well

If you intend to light a fire in a private area (such as a local beach or park), you may need a permit. You can learn how to apply to be a government site that operates a beach or park, common options include your city or state departments. Besides permission, you should also think about:

  • Weather conditions : Of course, you want the sky to be clear, but also think about how the wind blows around the campfire site and whether the temperature will drop a lot after sunset.
  • Stocks of firewood and fire : If you do not have a pile of firewood, then decide where you will buy firewood. Grocery stores often sell firewood near popular campfire sites. You should also take your belongings with you to start the fire or make your own fire-starting devices . As a last resort, the Doritos work .
  • Beach or Park Rules : The beach or park is likely to close at certain times and bonfires may be prohibited at certain times. You should also check the Department of Parks website to see if dogs are allowed and if they have any restrictions on glass bottles.

Public campfire sites can be very popular, so you may also want to consider how crowded the place you want to go will be and whether you need to get there well before sunset to get a better spot.

Maximize your customization

A great fire is not the one you light, and the setup is complete. You want to create a cozy atmosphere to make the most of the work you’ve done.

  • Bring tarps and blankets : The blazing fire gives you so much warmth, so bringing blankets ensures you don’t have to leave because people are cold. Place a tarp well under blankets or mats before sitting down, as sand or dirt can absorb a lot of your body’s heat.
  • Know how you will start the fire : it seems obvious, but you do not want to be lit over and over again because it will not ignite. You can follow our firefighting guide or try the simple Swedish torch method (chain saw required). You must use the supplied ignition rings, if available.
  • Stock up on snacks : Stick to snacks that are easy to eat with your hands so people don’t have to juggle a plate while sitting on the ground.
  • Make cleaning easy : Set up trash cans (or boxes, or bags, or whatever works for you) so people sort of clean up after themselves all night.
  • Do your best : If you want to do your best, chairs, tables, speakers and refrigerators will make your campfire more comfortable and make it easier for hours to pass.

You also need to have a way to quickly put out the fire if it gets out of hand. A bucket of water, a fire extinguisher or shovel, and a pile of sand may be helpful.

Be a good person and get out

Worst of all are the people who leave trash and smoldering fires. Clean up after yourself and your friends (if they are good friends, they will help).

  • Pack your trash : Collect all trash and recycling and place in containers provided locally, or throw in the trunk to dispose of at home.
  • Put out the fire : Be sure to put out the fire as much as possible so that the coals do not cause unwanted fires after you leave. The Forest Service recommends lighting the fire with water, mixing ash and coals with earth or sand and refilling with water. Touch with your hand to make sure the fire is cool enough to go away.

Once you’re done with your campfire routine, you can easily build your fire quickly and make the most of the summer.


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