What to Do If You Make a Big Mistake at Work

Making a mistake big enough to get fired is a situation no one wants to be in, but knowing how to respond can save you from losing your job. Here’s what to do if you ever find yourself in such a terrible place.

What to do immediately

As soon as you realize you’ve made a mistake, report it to your boss. It can be a scary conversation, but if you wait and your boss finds out about it from someone else, you will be in a worse situation. Your manager will also want you to explain how this error occurred, so be prepared to explain that too. Hannah Morgan, job search strategist and founder of CareerSherpa.net , advises you to jump into this conversation with several suggested solutions to fix what happened and prevent it from happening again. Your boss may also have decisions of his own that he wants to implement.

If you don’t have all of these details (for example, how the error occurred), admit your actions and try to figure out what happened and offer solutions to your boss as soon as possible. Your boss is going to talk to you about the consequences of the mistake, what happened and what should happen anyway. in the best position to avoid being fired.

How to restore your reputation

Execution is the key to rebuilding your professional reputation and your relationship with your manager. Move forward with decisions approved by your boss and keep them updated on progress and results. Morgan explains that communicating openly with your boss, even if it seems awkward or painful, shows them that you are striving for improvement, which makes it easier for them to support you as you move forward from your mistake.

You also need to be vigilant in your work for at least six months after you made a mistake. Make sure you don’t make serious mistakes anymore, and try to prove yourself at the highest level to show that you can be trusted. This can mean spending extra hours rechecking your work and making sure you’ve covered all of your basics, but it’s worth it if your reputation is restored and your manager regains trust in you.

What to do if you get fired

Sometimes, even when people do their best, they get fired because of a big mistake. If you find yourself out of work, Morgan recommends trying to set aside emotions in favor of improving:

It’s time to think about why you made this mistake and what you could have done differently. Have you made similar mistakes in the past, have you been warned, or did this error indicate other underlying issues? Don’t blame. Take responsibility for what you can control. You may also need to sign up for training or coaching to strengthen your weaknesses. We all have areas that can be improved, and there is nothing wrong with recognizing this and taking steps to improve.

Of course, being fired is an emotional experience for most people, so take the time to reflect on the loss and prepare for the situation you are in right now. You will need to find reliable references, as your previous manager may not be able to fulfill your functions when looking for a job. Think about how you will answer the questions about what happened in future interviews.

It can be difficult to face a big mistake, especially at work, but the sooner you turn to what happened to your boss and decide to fix it, the better off you will be.


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