How to Treat a Furry in Public

More than 7,000 furries are coming to Pittsburgh this weekend for Anthrocon, an annual convention of people who dress like wolves, dragons, and wolf and dragon combinations. The convention includes a public parade with 2,100 participants last year. Anthrocon spokesman John Cole gave Incline some tips on etiquette when interacting with furries . The tip boils down to two rules of thumb: don’t be aggressive and remember that fursuits are hot as hell.

“It’s okay to ask furry questions,” Cole says, “but remember that these are people with feelings. Plus, some people prefer not to talk. Ask for a photo and ask if you can ask additional questions. If you have children, teach them not to crowd or touch anyone without their permission.

The parade walk is exhausting even in breathable clothes, and fur suits are not quite suitable for the July weather. People in full suits are often hot and dehydrated, in suits that limit vision and coordination. So while they may look indestructible, the people in these suits are quite vulnerable. To be attentive. Open doors for them and warn of danger .

Furries, shall we say, do not enjoy a lot of trust in society, so they are very careful in dealing with children and even adapt their body language so that it looks friendly. Anthrocon has an elaborate visitor code of conduct . Like most adults, many furries love to have sex, but they are not more obsessed with it than the rest of us . So if you ask them about their sexual perversions, they are not the type to feel bad. Just respect them the way you respect any person, even a person who pretends to be an animal.


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