Your Drink May Make Your Allergies Worse

If you find that your allergies are getting worse while you are at a bar with friends, your drinking may be the problem.

Some wine and beer contain histamines, which can aggravate your agony or even potentially cause a severe allergic reaction. Histamines are found naturally in some alcoholic beverages, and that’s what your body secretes when you inhale a ton of pollen on your day hike.

Asthma UK notes that red wine is the biggest offender, followed by white wine, followed by beer and cider. For asthmatics, alcohol not only aggravates hay fever symptoms but also triggers an asthma attack.

Does this mean that you should refrain from drinking alcohol during allergy season? No, of course not. It would be crazy.

Different people will obviously react differently to things, so there is a good chance that your favorite alcohol will work. If you are suffering, just pay special attention to how you feel before and after drinking.

If you have a problem, Asthma UK suggests switching to clear spirits like vodka and gin. Both have very low levels of histamines and sulfites (which also trigger asthma attacks).


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