This Interactive Site Will Help You Help Your Favorite Endangered Animal

In Pieces is an interactive environmental site where you can learn about your favorite animal, what kills them, and where you can donate to help.

Animal lovers, environmentalists, or planet earth documentaries are realizing that some eukaryotes won’t be long in this world. Pollution, poaching and aggressive farming have pushed thousands of animals to the brink of extinction, including 474 endangered mammals, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

You definitely won’t be able to save them all, but In Pieces is a good place to learn about them. Created by designer Brian James, it displays 30 endangered animals, all beautifully presented in colorful moving polygonal shapes. Wallace’s bird wing flaps orange and black wings, and Kemp Ridley’s turtle pushes itself as if it is riding an invisible current.

The coolest part? The polygonal shape of each animal is fully CSS coded, each point mapped by James. They even flicker from time to time, bringing them to life, despite the fact that they represent animals in decline.

So basically – every shape transforms, moves and renders with a new set of coordinates, and since they are stored as triangles throughout, that means 3 points with CSS transitions for linking movements.

Each animal receives a short description, indicating the factors that threaten its existence. You can find statistics such as population size, habitat loss and annual population decline mapped over several decades. Some of the posts feature YouTube videos of animals in action and the aftermath of incidents such as poaching and overfishing.

But it is not all that bad! The project aims to draw attention to the diversity of life and its fragility, as well as give you the opportunity to help. Each animal is associated with a save page where you can make a donation in support of your chosen species.


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