This Is Officially the Peak of Casual Sex Season.

It seems that the “summer affair” is the real thing. According to the online dating service OkCupid, now is the time when most people are looking for one-night stand connections.

The report , based on a short survey of 18 million users OkCupid in the period from 2013 to 2016, it is expected that at the beginning of the summer the number of people who are looking for something Buhanov increased by 17% on average. The percentage rises at the end of April and lasts until May, so June remains the most popular month for intrigue. Plus, compared to the rest of the year, 33% more people are looking for just that. So why summer? OkCupid data scientist Dale Markowitz explains that this may be due to the transitory nature of summer:

“During this time, more and more students, campers, interns and other travelers have joined OkCupid. Since these participants are not necessarily tied to the place where they meet, they may be less likely to seek serious commitment. ”

Summer opens up schedules for a lot of people and makes quick dates easier for everyone. Plus, the weather is warmer in most places, and people show less restraint when it comes to their public wardrobe. In short, summer makes everyone think about romance.

And, in case you’re wondering, the winter months are definitely not the best time for the same casual interactions. In fact, OkCupid estimates that there are 2% more people looking for long-term romance during this period. So, if you’re looking for a hot summer getaway, update your dating profile and start your super sexy exercise . There is no better time than the present. Just be careful and all.


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