How to Become an Adult by Andy Boyle

This week on Update, we spoke to Andy Boyle, author of Adult Beginners: All the Secrets of Life that no one bothered to tell you . Dulthood for Beginners is a fun book filled with life advice on everything from dating to job hunting to not looking dumb at all. Andy is also a comedian, web developer and speaker, as well as the owner of a furry cat named Tiberius. He joined us in the studio to talk about everything he wanted to know as a young man.

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Discussion this week

We learned a lot from Andy Boyle, including:

  • How to go viral (twice)
  • The secret to remembering someone’s name (it has to do with fighting)
  • How not to be a jerk
  • Handshakes are like fonts
  • How to use the Asshole Test
  • Why Tom Hanks is like Jesus
  • What did he learn when he stopped drinking
  • Why it’s great to be a fan of anything – even Nickelback

Our weekly updates

Every week we want to tell you about the improvements we have made to our lives. This week we’re talking about stretching, sunscreen, and the best (quick) home workouts.

Do you want to ask a question?

There are two ways to ask a question:

  • Call (347) 687-8109 and write down the question. We love calls! We could just play yours on the show!
  • Send your question to .

Please keep your questions and comments as short as possible. That means 3-5 sentences for emails and 30-60 seconds for calls. We look forward to hearing from you!


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