Get Ready for $ 1000 IUD and $ 1600 Colonoscopy Supervised by Trumpcare

For the past few years, we’ve been living high: getting mammograms and colonoscopies whenever we need them, vaccinated against cancer-causing viruses for free, keeping unwanted babies from appearing in our womb without spending money on rent. Do it in this way. But those days may be over soon and we have some price tags to get used to.

The Amino , a company providing medical data is data about how many insurance companies are paying right now for some of the basic preventive measures. And with medical costs increasing every year , those price tags are higher than what you remember from the days before Obamacare. We’re looking at $ 1,628 for a colonoscopy, which we should start doing at age 50, $ 267 for a mammogram, and about $ 1,000 for an IUD, a form of birth control that is almost reliable and is actually the most cost-effective in the long run. … These are the national averages, so half of us pay even more .

If the latest version of Trumpcare becomes law, states can tell insurance companies they don’t need to cover any of this. And that’s bad news for almost everyone’s health. You see, the Affordable Care Act requires all major insurance plans to cover free preventive care (yes, even if you have a huge deductible ), not because liberals love free stuff, but because people get healthier when they get preventive care. help on time. than looking at their bank account and saying, um, maybe next year.

These costs are borne most by women, who often have an excellent and complex reproductive system that requires more serious medical attention. That $ 206 for cervical cancer screening (Pap smear and / or HPV test) is money that people without cervix – mostly guys – don’t have to worry about. Women already earn less than men , so in a world without fair insurance, we must pay less for more health care.

The ACA is still active, although we don’t know for how long. If you have not yet been vaccinated and tested for cancer, now is the time to do so.


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