Official: No One Has Sex on Mondays

Mondays are long, tense, stressful, and judging by the Instacart sales figures, not very sexy. Sorry Monday.

Using a 2017 Instacart online shopping datasheet , Owen Phillips put together some fun graphs regarding condom purchases by users. In general, Wednesday is indeed the lowest selling condom, and the weekend is the highest . You might think there would be a little more action on roller coaster day, but Wednesday is the slowest day of the week for Instacart in general.

But if you look at the same condom data for all purchased items, as Dan Kopf of Quartz did, you see a different story. Turns out Monday has the least activity, making it the least sexy day of the week. People just don’t buy condoms at the start of the week and probably don’t wear them.

Admittedly, this isn’t exactly a scientific conclusion. It’s possible that people buy fewer condoms on Monday because they have a bunch of them left over from buying them on the weekend when people have plenty of time to make more profit for the dollar. But let’s be honest, Garfield got something. Mondays sucks … uh, damn … well, they’re just bad.


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