What Money Advice Would You Like to Receive Earlier?

Learning to be good with money cannot be done overnight. It takes time. However, we all have a few lessons about money that wewould like to learn earlier . What are yours?

For example, I would like young Christine to know how great it is to get a 401 (k) score from an employer. In my first two jobs after college, I was fortunate enough to get a company privilege from this employer. While my older, more experienced colleagues tried to tell me how beneficial it was, I didn’t get the best results I should have. I have invested little, but certainly not enough to reap the full benefits. You live and learn, but still I have missed potentially thousands of dollars and it hurts.

Most of us regret this kind of thing, whether it’s a missed 401k, no negotiation, or just spending too much money. So, what money advice would you give yourself as a young man? The sound at the bottom is muted.


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