Why Royal Oyster Mushrooms Should Be Grilled This Spring

You’ve probably already seen royal oyster mushrooms , also often called king trumpets, in your local Asian grocery stores, but you may not know what they are for. If you’re looking to grill for the spring, now is the perfect time to try these underrated mushrooms.

Firstly, these mushrooms are great for grilling, I would say even better than portobello because they do not shrink as much or release as much water during the grilling process. The springy texture of the royal oysters, which lasts during the cooking process, makes them an excellent substitute for scallops and ham . They are much more meaty than most other mushrooms you can easily find and lack a strong flavor, making them a good choice for tasty sauces or marinades.

They absorb oil quickly, so when you cook them you need to brush them with oil or marinade two or three times until they are saturated. If you store them in relatively large chunks, I suggest cutting them at their widest part to make them look more appetizing and help them absorb the marinade. My favorite way to roast royal oyster mushrooms is skewered and brushed with Japanese BBQ sauce as it cooks. I did it on the grill, in the pan and in the oven, and it worked out well. Collect these mushrooms at your local Asian grocery store or mushroom section with a large selection of mushrooms and try them for your next barbecue. Your taste buds will thank you.


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