What Would You Like You to Know About Sex, Ed?

When you first became aware of your sexuality, you probably had very little reliable information: perhaps just a film strip confirming that you will be growing your hair in new places and that it has something to do with how babies are born. … Most of the important things you should have figured out for yourself.

We’re launching a new series called Sex Ed for Adults, and we’d love to hear what you would like to hear from someone that you’ve had to sort out the hard way. Or the things that bother you now that you are older and wiser and have to navigate a different sexual landscape than when you were a teenager.

We can talk about everything to do with your sexual health, in any relationship (or not!) And at any stage of life. What side effects can you expect from hormonal contraception? Should you be worried about HPV? How do you “try” to get pregnant? What if you get raped? Don’t be afraid to ask the obvious questions: As in class, if you don’t know the answer, other people are probably asking the same question.


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