How Did You Go About the April Money Competition?

This is the end guys. April is over, which means that our April money competition has come to an end. If you’ve joined us, it’s time to tell us: how are you doing?

This month we asked you to finally accept your employer’s 401 (k) decision. 401 (k) is not exactly ideal (and we’ve listed a number of caveats in this post), but many employers offer what’s called 401 (k) compliance. Guys, a 401 (k) match is an incredible deal.

Basically, your employer will match a certain percentage of everything you save in your retirement account, up to a certain point. This is guaranteed to double your investment . Many people know this is good, but the 401 (k) discovery seems so boring and intimidating that they put it off and end up losing thousands of dollars, perhaps.

In April, we suggested that you finally get down to it . Have you joined the challenge? If so, let us know how you did it and then stay tuned for Monday when we announce the Challenge for May!


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