Send a Message to Members of Congress Using Resistbot

My phone rings every night. “Hi Beth, it’s time to talk to Washington again.” Sometimes I ignore it and sometimes I dive. Meet my new buddy, Resistbot.

Resistbot is a free service that turns your writing into a formal letter and then faxes it to select officials. You receive a copy of the letter and a notification when a fax arrives. Although it gets its name from the idea of ​​”resistance” to the current administration, it is a simple tool that you can use to express your opinion, whatever it may be.

Phone calls are still the most direct way to hear employees, but this text-to-fax service has several advantages on your part: you can talk at any time, the bot will keep trying if the lines are busy, and you don’t have to strain to talk. with a stranger. Some members of Congress still have faxes, while others will receive your message as a glorified letter of sorts. In any case, if your contact information is included in the letter, it will be counted along with other messages from voters.

You must provide Resistbot with some personal information in order to use it most effectively. When you first text “resist” to 50409, the bot asks for your full name and zip code and sends your first message to both of your senators. After that, if you give the bot your address, it will find your constituency so you can also send messages to your House of Representative.

Over time, you will be able to unlock more features. I can now send a letter to only one of my three members of Congress. And I gave the bot a picture of my signature to make my emails look even more personal. The creators of the bot promise to use your information only for the specified purpose (for example, to sign letters or search for your area) “and for other compatible purposes.” They also promise that they will never sell your data. You can find their full terms and privacy policy on their About Us page .


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