Tomates Time Management – Super Customizable Pomodoro Timer for Mac

Mac: We’ve seen loads of Pomodoro timers over the years, but Tomates is arguably the most fully featured option.

If you’re not familiar, the Pomodoro technique is pretty simple. Set the timer for 25 minutes, work for that time, then take a short break, then reset the timer and work again. In fact, it is the equivalent of high-intensity training for productivity-enhancing techniques. The real Pomodoro Timer doesn’t really have to be anything more than a short countdown clock, but for those looking for a little more, Tomates also works as a lightweight work tracking system.

You can set up work timers in Tomates, set different break times, and even change alarm sounds. It tracks everything you do, which means you can remember how long you worked during the week. There is even a small trophy system if you achieve certain goals. It’s a pretty simple little app, but it takes a few steps compared to the standard Pomodoro timer to get something a little more complex. If you’re looking for a free timer with less spice, check out Pomodoro Time .

Tomates – Time Management ($ 2.99) | Mac App Store


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