This App Helps You Find Reliable Wi-Fi and Remote Jobs Around the World

As a writer working from everywhere , I’m always looking for cool new cafes and work-friendly places to move my laptop to. But if I go to a new place, I am always tormented by the same questions: are there outlets? Is Wi-Fi reliable and free? Is there food or are they just old, crusty bear claws?

I have a few permanent locations that I can always count on, but exploring coffee shops and jobs in new locations also means not knowing if I can get Wi-Fi or even fast enough. Cafe Wifi is a web and mobile app ( currently free for iOS ; Android coming soon) that shows you where free Wi-Fi is in many cities around the world – ideal for telecommuters or digital nomads like like me.

Like Workfrom , another online database for remote workers, Café Wifi draws information from external sources such as FourSquare, as well as information and user feedback. This means that its usefulness is limited by the number of actively participating users and is not currently available yet. In the huge city of Los Angeles, for example, there are too many coffee shops lacking on a paltry store list.

In addition, the Café Wifi features are not yet as robust as Workfrom, but the mobile app looks much more attractive than the web app. One of the advantages is that if you are just doing a quick search, Café Wifi shows in advance the Internet speed of the specified coffee shop, whereas you need to register to become a Workfrom member in order to access this information. At the moment, Café Wifi looks promising and tidy, but it needs more time and updates to expand its usefulness.


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