High Intensity Interval Training Helps Slow the Aging Process

It’s no surprise that consistent exercise keeps you healthy, but new research shows that a certain type of exercise can actually significantly improve your longevity. Here’s how to sweat well during your golden years.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a cardio exercise that alternates between short periods of super -intense exercise and very short breaks. For example, sprinting vigorously for three to five minutes , then taking a short break, and then doing more sprints. Repetition. It’s not easy to do, but it has some benefits that you might be interested in.

The HIIT study, published in the journal Cell Metabolism , looked at two different age groups: men and women between 18 and 30, men and women between 65 and 80. For 12 weeks, they participated in exercise regimens that included sequential HIIT training, and also In the end, both groups saw several benefits that indicate an improvement in age decline. Their insulin sensitivity improved, which meant that they had a lower risk of diabetes, and they had increased ribosome activity, indicating improved protein synthesis. The younger group saw a 49% increase inmitochondrial capacity, which helps your body’s cells generate energy. The senior participants grew by 69%.

As Dr. Srikumaran Nair, senior author of the study, explained to CNN , the increase in protein and energy production helps reverse some of the cellular changes age-related. High-intensity interval training encourages your cells to do both of these tasks, which stops the aging process to some extent. So, if you haven’t already, start incorporating HIIT workouts into your daily routine. They will do more than just make you look and feel good – they will keep you doing it for longer.


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