These New Food Labels Help You Know What You Are Really Buying

Different food labels can make it difficult to know what you are actually buying at the grocery store. But there are some that do provide useful information . These three new labels will help you make better choices without reading the fine print on every package.

When you shop in the store, you want to get the most out of your investment and buy the products you really need (like whole grains or organic). These new shortcuts will help you with this.

  • + 50% whole grains: Council of wholegrains controls this as well as other labels relevant to wholegrains. This label is pretty simple: everything you buy is at least half whole grains.
  • Certified Transition: This label indicates that a farm that has contributed to what you buy is going organic. Since this transition can take several years and is costly for farmers, this label (operated by Quality Assurance International ) aims to support them before they can technically call their produce organic. Although the label was founded by Kashi , it is open to any company.
  • Nutritionist Approved : The Institute for Good Household Management administers this label, which indicates healthier choices approved by nutritionists. One thing to keep in mind if you use this label when shopping, it is intended to highlight healthier choices in food categories, rather than healthier choices in general. For example, it may appear in a pudding, which is better for you than other similar puddings than not appearing in a pudding at all.

Marketing makes it difficult to determine what you are buying , but at least knowing what the labels on your food mean before you hit the store will make grocery shopping easier and hopefully fill your cart with better quality items.


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